Centre for Continuing EducationComenius University Bratislava

European Projects

Senior´s Learning in the Digital Society (SeLiD)

The project Senior´s Learning in the Digital Society (SeLiD) has been approved as an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for the period 1. September 2019 – 31. August 2021. The project is carried out by the 8 partners from European universities. Comenius University in Bratislava and its Centre for Continuing Education is the coördinator.

The main objectives are open education and innovative practices in a digital era, focusing on improving and extending high quality learning opportunities for digital technologies and ICT, tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults. The project focuses on elderly students and older people in general to improve and develop their digital skills and knowledge. They need special education and training in many fields for a more flexible use of ICT in their daily life and for an active citizenship. Many of them are afraid of digital communication with government agencies, digital and technical equipment at home, new ICT programs and work on Internet because of security threats. To make them more flexible in their daily life and in the digital society they need new experiences and new technical skills.

Specific activities and descriptions of project meetings are the content of published Newsletters: Newsletter 1Newsletter 2Newsletter 3Newsletter 4

Seniors' Learning in the Digital Society publication: Seniors' Learning in the Digital Society

More information available: https://selid.efos-europa.eu/ 

Senior´s Learning in the Digital Society (SeLiD)


The project Senior´s Learning in the Digital Society (SeLiD) has been approved as an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for the period 1. September 2019 – 31. August 2021. The project is carried out by the 8 partners from European universities. Comenius University in Bratislava and its Centre for Continuing Education is the coördinator.

The main objectives are open education and innovative practices in a digital era, focusing on improving and extending high quality learning opportunities for digital technologies and ICT, tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults. The project focuses on elderly students and older people in general to improve and develop their digital skills and knowledge. They need special education and training in many fields for a more flexible use of ICT in their daily life and for an active citizenship. Many of them are afraid of digital communication with government agencies, digital and technical equipment at home, new ICT programs and work on Internet because of security threats. To make them more flexible in their daily life and in the digital society they need new experiences and new technical skills.

Specific activities and descriptions of project meetings are the content of published Newsletters: Newsletter 1Newsletter 2Newsletter 3 

More information available: https://selid.efos-europa.eu/

ERASMUS+ Mobility for Teaching Staff Life Skills and ICT” (PROJECT KA104 TICTAC+55 - 2017-1-ES01-KA104-037163)

Course ICT for Active Ageing of the PROJECT ERASMUS+ KA104 TICTac+55 – BLENDED ICT LEARNING TECHNIQUES FOR OVER-55s is organised by the Comenius University, Centre for Continuing Education and its University of the Third Age in Bratislava, Slovakia in the cooperation with the Spanish universities.

Date: 6. May – 11. May 2018

Main organiser: PhD. Nadezda Hrapkova, project manager (Nadezda.Hrapkovarec.uniba.sk).

Erasmus+ Project

EduSenNet logo
Logo erasmus plus

Educational Senior Network

The centre for continuing education acquired the Erasmus+ Educational Senior Network project for period from 1.12.2014 until 30.10.2017.

The project aims at innovation of programmes for senior citizens on our UTA as well as mapping and comparison of educational programmes for seniors throughout Europe.

The next stage of the project focuses on seeking seniors in communities and regions that do not provide educational programmes for the elderly and prepare and create programmes based on the survey of the elderly community. Our senior students working in the field will provide first-hand information and example of growing old actively. Comparison of options of formal and informal education as well as the means of informal education should provide the basis for new proposals in the visited communities.

Based on the experience from abroad, comparison of conditions here in Slovakia and the needs of the elderly we will consider application of new methods and programmes for education of even more seniors.

The project is a cooperation of 7 european universities, namely universities in Alicante, VUT Brno, UK Bratislava, Groningen, Chemnitz, Magdeburg a Uppsala.

More information on the EduSenNet project page.

Project ForAge

Project ForAge (2012-2014) represents the building of a multi-purpose European network focused on communication and the spreading of practical experience related to continuous education in order to create new educational standards as well as new methods of education applicable throughout Europe. The project aims to have this network become the exclusive source of information about activities and projects in the field of continuous education, as well as aiming to help spread the values of continuous education in the terms of social inclusion, participation and solidarity between generations in European countries. The network also aims to support international research, support the building an infobase for continuous education and improve the ease of access to innovative and progressive concepts and approaches throughout Europe.  For more information, see the page of Project ForAge

Supported by projects LLL Grundtvig, the Senior volunteering project (SVP) was the first exchange done as part of the Danube strategy, implemented in cooperation with ZAWIW Ulm. During the project, two groups of four seniors each spent 21 days abroad, at the partner institution (2011 - 2012).

In August 2008, UTA started its own project Grundtvig, financed by the EU. The project, called VECU (Virtual European Cultural Centre) is coordinated by the University in Groningen and its Senioren akademie. For more information, see the page of project VECU.

EFOS Bratislava
EFOS Bratislava
Stretnutie ELILL
ELILL Meeting

 Further Sokrates Grundtvig projects, financed by EU funds:

  • Project EFOSEC - European Federation of Older Students Enlargement and Cooperation focused on the methodology and opportunities for educating seniors in select European countries and universities since August 2006.  Chief participants along with our UTA were the University in Groningen (Netherlands) and UTV Wroclaw (Poland). For more information, see the pages of project EFOSEC http://www.efos-europa.eu/efosec-d/
  • Project Sokrates Grundtvig - E-LiLL - for this project on the creation of long-distance education for seniors we collaborated with the Department of Library and Information Science of the Faculty of Arts, coordinating with the University of Ulm in Germany (since 2006)

Both organizers and students of UTA also participated in the following continuous education projects::

  • Project SoLiLL [Ulm - Ge] (2001-2002), where we participated in a workshop with a contribution entitled "Bread traditions in Europe"
  • EuCoNeT- European competence network [Ulm - Ge] Sokrates Grundtvig 2 (2002 - 2004)